On the works: November

Hi Everyone!!
It feels like a long ago since I post anything in here (just a month ha!) But as April is fast approaching I’m trying hard to make my deadlines. Today I can happily say that so far I have ready half of the pieces for my solo show, four graphite drawings! It’s not much but at least there’s something and I’ve learned a lot in the progress.
In the meantime I start the composition planning of my next work (hopefully a bit larger graphite one) will continue with my first oil exercise. Long time since I wanted to try some oils, but won’t be sharing anything of that yet, with some luck and patience might have something decent and something I’ll be proud to share on the net.
In the meantime I wanted to share some of the progress of my fourth and recently finished graphite drawing for next year solo show ‘The Progeny of Chaos’.
This one entitled ‘Vida Rota’
Hope you like the progress and remember to check out regularly this blog to follow the evolution and outcome of the solo show.
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