New website!!

Hi everyone!!

Thank you so much for visiting my new website, after various issues with my past website and webmaster I had to take the decision to unable, nevertheless during this absent time this new website was being built with the hope to fill the void from the past version and improve it’s functionality on mobile devices. So no I’m very happy to finally share with you a place where my portfolio is complete, where to find my newest works, news, upcoming shows, share thoughts, etc.

So please feel free to explore through all the site and also to follow me on the social media or send me a direct message! Just go to the contact page and I will get back to you shortly.

I also encourage you to comment in this post about the good things you like about the new site or to inform me about bugs or issues about it as well, I’ll be more than happy to hear you and solve any trouble.

Thank you, and welcome!!


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